Online Islamic Learning Resource

Year: 2013

Significance of Sha’ban

The Month of Sha’ban is another great month in the life of a believer, closest to Ramadan in the virtues and benefits it offers. Upon its arrival we must make thanks and shukr to Allah for accepting part of our…

Muslims are the True Followers of JESUS (Eisa PBUH)

By: Salahuddin Qasmi* There has been long debate between Muslims and Christians and even it still continues over Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him, (PBUH), his mission, his birth, his teachings and his so-called crucifixion. If the Bible itself be…

Scholars of Islam

Imaam an-Nawawi

Imaam an-Nawawi (rahimahu Allaahu ta’aalaa – died 676 Hijree) was without doubt one of the greatest scholars this Ummah has been blessed with. His works have had a tremendous benefit and influence for the Muslims throughout history, and from amongst…

The Passing of a Luminary (Hazrat Hakeem Muhammud Akhtar Saheb DB)

The sad demise of Arif Billah Hazrat Hakeem Moulana Muhammud Akhtar Saheb (Rahmatullahi Alayh) has left a gap in the hearts of many all over the world. Hazrat was a Khalifah of Hazrat Moulana Abdul Ghani Phulpoori (RA) and Hazrat…

One Minute Dhikr

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When I say ‘Subhaan Allaah, wa’l-hamdu Lillah, wa laa ilaah ill-Allaah, wa Allaahu akbar (Glory be to Allaah, praise be to Allaah, there is no god except Allaah, and…

Listening to music is from the Kaba’ir (major sins)

The Fuqaha (Jurists) have ruled that all types of music are prohibited; be it produced digitally, by the agency of musical instruments or by any part of the body (hands mouth, throat etc). The underlining factor here is that music…

Differences in the Salah of Women

When saying Takbeer-e-Tahreema females should raise both their hands up to the shoulders without removing them from under the Burqa.(a kind of shawl or veil covering the whole body from head to foot- translator) Thereafter they should tie their hands…